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Our first port call was Sitka, Alaska. Sitka is locted in theTongass National Forest, the world's largest temperate rainforest.

At Sitka's port, Julie and Peter meet their guide for a hike in the Tongass forest. See the "nature" section for forest photos.

The Queen Elizabeth dwarves Sikta's port as Julie passes under Sitka's grand entry point.

Peter cozies up to Sitka's beauty pageant winner. His charms seem to be working – look at that bird's smile.

"Dog" salmon swim in a shallow Sitka stream. Our hike guide told us this variety of salmon is only fit for feeding dogs.

An indigenous Sitkan enjoys a kernnel of corn and thoroughly delights Julie since she loves all fuzzy critters.

When the Queen Elizabeth departed, Sitka's port went quiet. Only relatively small tourist and fishing boats remain.

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