lyndale renovation 2015 & 2016
Christmas 2015
In the bedroom facing north and east —
Aunt Arlene's ceramic Christmas tree brings a little cheer to the chaos.
Since the tree is tiny, we decided that all gifts this year must be tiny as well.
Christmas 2015
This is the old rectory for Visitation Church, across 45th Street from our house.
The five Benedictine Sister's who live there now pull all the stops when decorating for Christmas.
To my sister Georgia I say, check out the center windows on the first know what I'm talking about!
In the kitchen facing north and east —
This is the soffit framing which creates space to nest plumbing and duct work,
and will support the top of the cabinets.
In the kitchen facing up and east —
Heavy repositioning of plumbing and duct work is happening in the kitchen ceiling.
Duct work for heat and cold-air returns will be positioned to the left of the black pipe shown above.
In the kitchen facing up, south and east —
The old, square duct work will be replaced by a sleek, circular duct.
The battered and plaster-covered chimney, slated for sand blasting, will be revealed in the final design.
In the kitchen facing up, south and east —
I have high hopes for this chimney and I can hardly wait to see if it will clean up as well as I think it will.
In the kitchen facing south and west —
Much work has been done that will never show once the job is complete. A big example of this is the floor which needed a great deal of leveling
Modifications to the subflooring—stage one of the leveling—is shown here.
In the kitchen facing north and west —
Soon, a coat closet will be framed in the northwest corner.
The new fridge position will be on the north wall in front of the ladder.
The ghostly little circles in the photo are dust specks that show up due to the camera flash.
In the kitchen facing north and east —
New duct work has joined the repositioned plumbing in the kitchen ceiling.
In the kitchen facing up and north —
Shown here is the ductwork for the stove's new hood, which will now vent outside.
The old hood had no vent, just a filter that ulitimately became a nasty, sticky abomination.