Dad & Mom tending the grill in the backyard of the 322 Fifth Avenue house in Antigo.
The backyard of the Antigo house. There's lots of food on the grill and a keg of beer near the crawl-space door.
The back yard of the Antigo house. A big storm brought a limb down on the house and led to the removal of the large back yard tree.
The den in the Antigo house where dad kept his hunting rifles, plinking rifles and shotguns. The lamp is still in service in Minneapolis.
A bar set-up in the kitchen of the Antigo house. Is that Maggie mixing a drink?
Dad and Uncle Joe in the old hunting shack on the Wolf River.
The old hunting shack on the Wolf River.
From the left: Doc Blink, Mr. Pozza, Dad being goofy and, perhaps, Uncle Clarence far right.
Uncle Joe at the cottage, likely during deer-hunting season.
Maloney's landing on the Wolf River. Aunt JoAnne & Uncle Joe far left. Other family friends unknown.
Kids at the cottage. From left: Pete (44), John & Al Gelhausen, cousin Paul Bretl.