Pete's birthday details with Dad's hand writing of the first name. Was the first name undetermined at the time this card was filled out?
Pete in a stroller, with Georgia in the background, on the porch of Hardee's house on Fifth Avenue in Antigo.
Pete in the baby swing at Grandpa & Grandma Neck's house in Chetek.
Pete. Location unkown.
Pete in the back yard of the Antigo house, already wearing hats. The Eickhoff house, later the Jones house, in the background.
Pete in the foreground, Charlie in the background in the back yard of the Antigo house. The picket fence predates Dad's planted pine trees.
Pete in the back yard of the Antigo house. The Janes home in the background.
Pete in the back yard of the 322 Fifth Avenue house. The Eickhoff house, later the Jones house, in the background.
Pete on a tricycle in the front yard of the Antigo house.